Learning to Change - Changing to Learn
All major industries today have technology integrated in one way or another. One of the things that immediately struck a chord with me was the fact that education was ranked below the coal mining industry in terms of its level of IT intensiveness. Of course there will be some amount of technology in even coal mining in the 21st century, but to think there is a greater level of IT intensity in it compared to education? I couldn't believe it!
Young people are exposed to so much technology outside of the classroom, whether it be through their cell phones, computers, or video games, but that is a stark contrast to what they experience inside of the classroom. Most pieces of personal technology are even banned from being taken out during school hours. But if this is the world our children are growing up in and spending the majority of their time experiencing, shouldn't they be exposed to a similar level of technological advancement while they are in school? I understand that there are restrictions such as a lack of money, but something that I can do as a teacher is to familiarize myself with whatever technology is currently available in my classroom and to implement it to the best of my ability so that the students can be exposed to an immersive and interactive learning experience that will help to prepare them for their careers after school, whatever they may be.
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